E4| Don't Do What I Did...

I've been hearing a phrase a lot recently. Find out why I disagree with it, what I think is underneath it, why we say it, and what I've decided to do instead...

I reveal a really special announcement in this episode. We will share all the details next week of the brand-new sacred space we are opening up to this community so make sure to come back and get all the deets. AND if you know you are already a hell yes, you can sign up now and lock in the special introductory rate here - Access now!

See you on the inside. 

I would love to hear from you. What thoughts or questions do you have on this episode? Let me know via one of the ways below. And, remember to hit the subscribe button so can stay in the know about when each episode drops.

Instagram: @rachelkristina.coach

Email: [email protected] 
